One of the major factors determining search engine rankings is links. Whether internal or external, links are a sign that your content is important. Websites with more links generally rank higher, but if you have too many links, Google will penalise your site for link stuffing.
It’s good SEO practice to link content on your site through anchor text. This type of internal linking will keep users on your website for longer. It’s also important to link to external websites where necessary as Google views this as you trying to help your visitors a bit more.
Getting links to your website from other sources is obviously great for your incoming traffic and SEO. If you have a lot of links pointing to your website, it generally means that other people find your content useful and important. This boosts your search engine rankings.
Link building is time-consuming but necessary
The major drawback to link building is that it’s a time-consuming exercise. It can take a long time to edit articles, add links, update the page and repeat the process for each page on your site. It also takes a long time to convince other websites to link back to yours.
Luckily, you can automate the outreach process to make it quicker and easier. One method is to use Dux-Soup – an automated lead generation tool for LinkedIn. By generating leads and connections on LinkedIn, especially within your industry, you can get them to check out your website and link back to it if they like the content you have available.
Another advantage of Dux-Soup is that you can ask new connections to share any content you have on social media. This spreads your content to a much wider audience and can result in a few backlinks from other sites.
Get relevant URLs in your industry and build links
Another handy tool is ScrapeBox. This site will ‘scrape’ Google for all the relevant websites within your industry and provide you with a list of the best websites. You can use this list to start your outreach process.
Get in touch with the websites on ScrapeBox’s list and start a conversation with them. By building rapport, you can agree to link to external sites in return for backlinks. Contacting the right people at all of these sites will take a lot of time, so use Find That Lead.
This website will find the email addresses of people who run the websites. Simply put the URL in the search box and it will return a list of emails that you can contact. Now you can email people directly and set up link building agreements between websites.
This is the best way to generate backlinks for most websites. However, if your site is an authority in its niche, chances are the backlinks come naturally. Linking within your website and between other sites is a great way to boost SEO rankings and generate new traffic sources.
Sorted Design Agency is a creative company that constantly looks for solutions to other people’s problems. These problems come mostly in the visual format, such as graphic design, logo and illustration, but we’re experts in brand development, website design, and digital SEO campaigns as well.
Based in Pretoria and Cape Town, Sorted has been in the content marketing industry since 2006. We assist your company with its corporate identity by communicating core values through content and articles written for your website, blog and news area. This content is supported by AdWords and social advertising, which facilitates wider reach and audience growth. Turn your website into a business tool.
Sorted also owns two other businesses; InkFish Print Studio – a printing company that handles a range of promotional materials for businesses and other services for individual customers, and Pampiri + Kie – a gifts and stationery store selling online and in-store. Both of these companies operate from Cape Town and Pretoria.
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